Thursday, May 6, 2010

Awash in May

Today is Thursday, May 6. 2010. I have a show tonight. Right? Doesn’t really feel like this is happening again, but it is. I think it’s because May has hit, and I have Spring Fever. First of all, as a teacher, the end of the school year is so close and I am just panting, prying for it to get here. Second, as all lovers of the stage tend to do, I am now in show overlap mode. This is when I’m rehearsing one show while performing another. In fact, if you look at my calendar, I have 17 days in a row where I am either have a rehearsal or a performance every day! (FYI, I will be performing in I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change with KTK Productions the first two weekends in June). And, I think it’s worth throwing in there that the weather is gorgeous! It makes me just want to sit outside and forget about everything :)

So, how does this affect my role in The Wild Party?? It means I need to work a little harder at retaining the songs, the dances, and the track of the character. I usually pride myself for having a keen memory. But it would be foolish for me to hop onstage tonight and expect my muscle memory to relive every moment of this intricate show. So over the past few days, even when I haven’t been excited to do so, I’ve had to sit down at the piano to plunk out a few of the more difficult vocal lines, or walked through some of the dance numbers in my living room. Tonight, I’m going to get to the theatre early to run some things for myself (particularly Jackie’s Last Dance). I like doing this any given show day because I can usually have about 10 minutes alone on the stage, and I find it is a very meditative and calming way to connect to the space and get mentally prepared while I stretch and practice.

I am excited though that I have more and more people planning to come see the show. I may not feel it now, but once I hit the stage door I know that all of the energy will start building up while I prepare to share this experience with others. I am truly looking forward to another fantastic weekend with a fabulous and talented cast, crew, and band!